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Cause in the end all you really have is memories
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?

I should post this on Monday actually. But I'm kinda lazy to update. Hmm... everyone's not going well on this month. Its kinda like a deja vu. and its happening to everyone. I don't know how should I help them. What can I do is just standing by their side and keep on hearing. I'm sorry if I can't help anything, or giving any useful suggestion. I'm truly out of idea when you called me last night. I just blur and all I can do was heard you crying. Everything will be okay. We can live without rely on anyone. I think oxygen are much more important. Just let it go. There's a reason behind everything.

Oh ya. I went out the whole Sunday. went to all shopping mall... and I bought lots of stuff on that day. I'm finding something actually. But I didn't found it. keep on searching but at last I gave up.有些东西过去了就过去了。再怎么找,也找不回。forget it.

Then we went to Tanjung Aru beach bought some nuts and went to Perdana Park jogging with cousin. Yeah it's kinda tiring, but it's fun. Having shower at their house and then cooked for dinner together.


It's a small world.
Hello strangers. You landed at and you probably know that already.

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I'M not cute,I'm never been beautiful,I'm far from gorgeous,and I cant even touch the perfection.

I'M not perfect, but I'm limited edition :D
I'M just trying to be myself, but I hate it when people judge me.


Angela Carol
Charlotte Chriselda Ebone Eileen
Elroy Elycia Elycia Evelyn
Fang yu Fish Groit Gloria
Hui Ling Icy Jeremy Joanne
Kai Zai Kang Yi Karen Kiki
Kimb3Rlly Nicole Nicole Pang Rachel
Roger Stephen Tongz trong
Wilson Xian Xing Ya Yvonne

Time Machine




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