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Writing with a heavy heart.
Saturday, October 29, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?

15 more days to go. The flesh is willing but the spirit is so weak. I can't really force myself fully concentrate on my studies. Busy printing and doing all the trial from every state. Hopefully the prediction will totally give out some benefits. There's a way when there's a will. Doing a bunch of exercises really will help you. All the best SPM candidates.

Good, better, best,
Don't ever rest,
until good become better,
and better become best.

Good luck ; )


It's a small world.
Hello strangers. You landed at and you probably know that already.

DON'T copy/rip/steal anything here, mess my tagboard with nonsense/spam (if you do I'll ban you. OR I WOULD MESS YOURS AS WELL)
DO drop a tag, follow my blog, or follow me on Tumblr. ENJOY!


I'M not cute,I'm never been beautiful,I'm far from gorgeous,and I cant even touch the perfection.

I'M not perfect, but I'm limited edition :D
I'M just trying to be myself, but I hate it when people judge me.


Angela Carol
Charlotte Chriselda Ebone Eileen
Elroy Elycia Elycia Evelyn
Fang yu Fish Groit Gloria
Hui Ling Icy Jeremy Joanne
Kai Zai Kang Yi Karen Kiki
Kimb3Rlly Nicole Nicole Pang Rachel
Roger Stephen Tongz trong
Wilson Xian Xing Ya Yvonne

Time Machine




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