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Thursday, February 9, 2012 | (0) comments | Post ?

Made a new blog and I'm super superrrrbbbb excited and love it. Looks really pretty~

Friday, January 6, 2012 | (0) comments | Post ?

It suck when you miss that person so much that you look through old photos, old text messages, even old statuses. And it brings a smile on your face, but then the hurt comes back and you know you shouldn't be looking back, but you can't help it because they really meant something to you and you thought it would of lasted.

Writing with a heavy heart.
Saturday, October 29, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?

15 more days to go. The flesh is willing but the spirit is so weak. I can't really force myself fully concentrate on my studies. Busy printing and doing all the trial from every state. Hopefully the prediction will totally give out some benefits. There's a way when there's a will. Doing a bunch of exercises really will help you. All the best SPM candidates.

Good, better, best,
Don't ever rest,
until good become better,
and better become best.

Good luck ; )

wake up
Sunday, September 18, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?

Yerrr.... you are so disgusting...
those words... euww...
I don't know what make you really proud of what you're doing...
triple euww for you.
Do something that give out benefits la please..
Wasting time and money.
Doing such thing doesn't make you look mature at all. It just make you look dump.

When I was a kid, I didn't have a laptop, iPhone, iPod, Blackberry,, Wifi or iPads. I played outside with friends, bruised my knees, made up stories and played hide and seek. I ate what my mom made. I would think twice before I said "no" to my parents. Life wasn't hard, it was good. I survived. I appreciate the way I were raised. I think we were happier kids. Kids these days are spoiled. You know the 10 seconds lag when you're having a conversation with you friend who is holding an iPhone or their own phone? You ask, ''So how was your relationship?'' And your friend will be staring at his/her phone like a Time Demon just froze him and there will be an awkward 10 seconds silence during which you briefly consider picking up your own phone and stare at it too until your friends replies, "Sorry what was that? Oh relationship. It was okay!"


I seriously wonder how many people nowadays can sit through a dinner without touching their phones. Bad dinner or lunch date. Finish dinner with a group of friends. All chatting with people on whatsapp or sms then run out of topic. They will be checking on their Facebook every 5 seconds. And then what can I do? Stare at them like a sohai ah? Worst case scenario? Phone battery flat! All you can do is only stare at your friend giggling at their phones or stare at your drinks while you do nothing like an idiot.

WTH, human?!


Fuck you, future. I hate this whole technology thing. Stupid gadgets ever. Internet down? Worst day ever.

Bitch, please.

Try living the life a decade ago.

I cannot remember how i lived the first 6 years of my life, where meeting someone literally means making an appointment to physically meet someone at a mutually agreed location at a mutually agreed time and turn up at said location on said time and looking out for said person you’re suppsed to meet.

If you wait for 15 minutes and the person doesn’t turn up, you are fucked. You will have to find the nearest public phone to call the person’s home to find out if the person is out and if the family member knows where the person is, but at the same time risking missing the person turning up at agreed meeting point, resulting in the person thinking you are gone after waiting for too long. It’s like fateless path-crossing movie cliches.


Okay, I'm addicted with baking these days ;)
Everyone thinks that a girl's dream is to find a perfect guy. They are wrong because a girl's only dream is to eat a lot without getting fat. Upload those pic on next post = )

Spm is just around the corner. I think I shouldn't waste my time on novel, blogging and baking. Damn.
Going out jogging. Will be back soon ;)

Not Happily Ever After..
Thursday, September 15, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?

English Teacher :'' Okay Marcella, what's your essay tittle that you choose? Any idea?"
Me :'' Ya, the tittle is 'Not Happily Ever After'.''

Really wanna thank you for accompany me when I was really desperate. Prepare a box of tissues for me, and borrow all your comics to me. Thank you : ) true friends are like diamonds, precious and rare.



I don't understand why every time when I open this blog, the pain feeling comes to me again. Forget it.
Actually my computer was in the critical conditions before this. So we went to Karamunsing bought a new PC yesterday.Whee~ Finally ; )
Just done doing my Chemistry correction. It's already 12.45a.m. Feel so funny when your best friends know what you're doing even when you're at home. I slept on 5.30p.m just now. Suddenly, my phone was so noisy and ringing non-stop. then when I saw the message, I laugh out. She really know that I'm sleeping and trying to wake me up to do my homework. hahaha. Funny you.

Damn you. Why you're so care about my Facebook? It's my freedom to active or deactivate it. Don't keep on asking me. Shuuu~ go away boy! you're annoying me. Nah this one for you! DAMN!

Sunday, September 11, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?


















Cause in the end all you really have is memories
Wednesday, September 7, 2011 | (0) comments | Post ?

I should post this on Monday actually. But I'm kinda lazy to update. Hmm... everyone's not going well on this month. Its kinda like a deja vu. and its happening to everyone. I don't know how should I help them. What can I do is just standing by their side and keep on hearing. I'm sorry if I can't help anything, or giving any useful suggestion. I'm truly out of idea when you called me last night. I just blur and all I can do was heard you crying. Everything will be okay. We can live without rely on anyone. I think oxygen are much more important. Just let it go. There's a reason behind everything.

Oh ya. I went out the whole Sunday. went to all shopping mall... and I bought lots of stuff on that day. I'm finding something actually. But I didn't found it. keep on searching but at last I gave up.有些东西过去了就过去了。再怎么找,也找不回。forget it.

Then we went to Tanjung Aru beach bought some nuts and went to Perdana Park jogging with cousin. Yeah it's kinda tiring, but it's fun. Having shower at their house and then cooked for dinner together.


It's a small world.
Hello strangers. You landed at and you probably know that already.

DON'T copy/rip/steal anything here, mess my tagboard with nonsense/spam (if you do I'll ban you. OR I WOULD MESS YOURS AS WELL)
DO drop a tag, follow my blog, or follow me on Tumblr. ENJOY!


I'M not cute,I'm never been beautiful,I'm far from gorgeous,and I cant even touch the perfection.

I'M not perfect, but I'm limited edition :D
I'M just trying to be myself, but I hate it when people judge me.


Angela Carol
Charlotte Chriselda Ebone Eileen
Elroy Elycia Elycia Evelyn
Fang yu Fish Groit Gloria
Hui Ling Icy Jeremy Joanne
Kai Zai Kang Yi Karen Kiki
Kimb3Rlly Nicole Nicole Pang Rachel
Roger Stephen Tongz trong
Wilson Xian Xing Ya Yvonne

Time Machine




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